Becoming Vegan, Becoming Vegetarian, and Vegan for Life are all fabulous books that really help you to feel informed and intelligent about
your new dietary adventures. Somehow, these books manage to tackle all the critical nutritional information you'll need in a manner that
is totally readable, humorous, and fun. These books really helped me feel confident about my choices when people would ask "How will you
get enough protein?!" or somesuch question. Not so much aimed at recipes, these books talk about being smart and healthy and also
tackle some of the various veggie-etiquette (eating at someone's house, responding to concerned family members, and so on). I was
really surprised at how much I enjoyed reading and learning from these books.
VegNews is a great magazine with recipes, product reviews, vegan lifestyle articles, veggie travel
articles, and loads of fun stuff. This is one of my favorite magazines. It's beautifully designed, fun to read, and very uplifting.
They also have great annual issues like "Vegan Weddings" and "Veggie Awards."
Organizations & Websites:
* Vegan Outreach is probably my favorite veggie organization, as I mentioned before. I can partly credit their
lovely booklet "Why Vegan?" with helping encourage me to finally commit to becoming a vegan. Their information is moderated, compassionate,
logical, and honest. Their website has great resources about why people choose to follow a vegan diet, how to do so in a healthy manner,
compassionate and effective activism, and also offers a "Vegan Starter Pack." If you would ever like to see a copy of "Why Vegan?" or
give one to a friend, just let me know. I keep a whole stack of them on hand at home.
*Farm Sanctuary is a very beautiful reserve up in Orland, CA (right next to Chico) where
rescued farm animals are given a chance to live out their lives in peace and the open air. This organization also campaigns on behalf
of livestock animals and their treatment within the food industry. A couple of years ago our dear friend Geraldine was interning there
and we were lucky enough to go visit her and meet all the animals. It was a wonderful experience and I REALLY recommend it as a special
trip. Plus, Chico is a cool city to stay in and explore. They give tours to the public on the weekends. It's a really neat experience.
*Veganism in a Nutshell offers a clear rundown of what it means to be vegan,
common vegan foods, and important nutritional needs.
*PETA's "I Can't Believe It's Vegan" is a funny site listing a number of common
name-brand foods that just happen to be vegan... everything from cereals to Nutter Butters to Pepperidge Farms Frozen Apple Turnovers. It's good
if you are craving junk foods or non-hippie products. PETA also has a page listing
Vegan Candies.
* Vegan Essentials and Pangea
are fun shopping sites offering shelf-stable vegan products, veggie-
themed tees, non-leather shoes and accessories, personal care products, specialty treats, vitamins and so on.